My year of 2017 in photos overview
Starting new year and waiting what new comes to me. New year spend at Prague Castel at Starbucks. Rest of month is full of work, sport like running and swimming and i ordered new notebook
Lenovo ThinkPad X201.
Second month of the year was about sweet thing, sport and work again, full of latte art and morning coffees. Started to geocaching again and new swim techniques.
March is about traveling to my family, geocaching a warming weather. Its nice to me because i love it, started to cycling longest routes and enjoyed so much.
In April my home airport is celebrating 80 years and a enjoying every last day in my work. Morning coffees, experiments with green tea and security problems at airport. If i trying to make everything perfect clean its way how to mess everything more than usual. End of year enjoying unofficially traditional beneficial market and for last time i doing spoke man by Starbucks
Last days in my long time work at Starbucks Prague international airport of Vaclav Havel. Enjoying with my favorite partners and best customers. Everything doing for last time like last warehouse supply. Last thing what i do for Starbucks after my contract was participating for local community of foster child’s and child’s in need. Now its time to pack everything.
Jun is way to pack every thing in my Prague flat and move to my family back to mountains. Enjoying my nephew, cycling in my favorite places and made some accident on inline skates and broke my knee, i can not cycle for more than 2 weeks.
July is full of traveling, geocaching with my nephew. Surfing in Prague and after many years met some most important person for me at train station and enjoyed our ride to Pardubice. 1st camping with my nephew at our garden. Cycling, Cycling, new cycle parts, some parts has broken and repaired and cycling again.
All in august is about cycling, i love it. One night i found big LCD TV behind the garbage, its broken but repair is very easy and cheap for me. Now i have TV what i want.
September is about traveling to to the woods, i was at Kokokrinsko, Prague and Brno for more than week.
Last month of summer easy cycling, weather is become too cold. I visited opening of Starbucks store in one of my favorite city in Hradec Kralove.
Cycling in the cold weather, 1st snow.
Slow things in December, little bit of cycling, finally replaced battery in my iPhone and trips to Hradec Králové, Pardubice and Chrudim.
Categories: Cycling, Look back, Photo, Quick Stories, Sport, Travel, Uncategorized