Year 2019 in Photos
Quick overview of last year 2019 in photos
Starting year with wedding of my brother wedding of my brother wedding of my brother Snow comes to here My 1st trip in my life to London Me in Greenwich Me in London Tuning my Ninebot ES4 with new dash Vote Starts to play with Arduino UNO Loosing my Pebble 2SE Loosing my Pebble 2SE Got new phone Huawei p10 Cycling Cycling to Prague Cycling to Prague Cycling to Prague Cycling to Prague Geocaching in Wien At trip in Italy and Croatia Geocaching in Trieste Last vacation on White Rocks Started to play national lottery Taking my scooter everywhere with me Repairing my printer by baking of main board and its worked Byu iPod nano and AirPods and i like it Selling my old ninebot ES4 silver Starts to wear Czech brand of underwear of Styx Auctioned my dreamed HP HX4700 Starts to using google Pay on my new watch Traveling to Prague In Christmas Prague Buy back iPad mini At Brno with my Ninebot ES4 Black Ending old year of 2019 in work